Eurostar LDA
The Eurostar Temple Mills Maintenance facility is a high security depot based in East London, which had been experiencing extensive damage to trains, trackside furniture and infrastructure. Taylor Technology Systems designed and introduced a system that repurposed existing Optrex Intrusion Detection Sensor technology. The system detects any problems and alerts the signal manager, who can then bring the train to an immediate halt and avoid any damage.

The Eurostar Temple Mills Maintenance facility is a high security depot based in East London,
connected to the 186mph High Speed One line, including housing 8 x 400m tracks inside the depot shed.
Eurostar had been experiencing extensive damage to trains, trackside furniture and infrastructure at significant cost. This damage was due to trains leaving the sidings after maintenance with the LDA Cleaning System flaps being left open. When a train enters the special Eurostar engineering sidings, the train and its carriages are parked so they aligned opposite the Monitoring and Pumping stations which stand on special platforms.
Taylors designed and introduced a system, repurposing existing Optex Intrusion Detection Sensor technology for a new purpose. The train was modelled and sensors identified any deviation from the model, which would highlight if any structure had been left open. In the event of a detected deviation, the system was integrated into the existing security system at the control room. The system instantly alerts the signal manager, who can bring the train to an immediate halt to avoid damage to both the train and trackside furniture.

Project Details
Integrated Solutions
May 2017
Temple Mills International Engineering Depot
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